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Liposuction Surgery in

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Amitabh Bachchan


What is Liposuction?

Liposuction, meaning a cosmetic surgical technique, is intended to remove excess fat from certain body locations. It enhances the body's proportions and helps to shape the physique. Another name for the procedure is body sculpting. Today, liposuction is practised all around the world. Nagpur offers a range of liposuction options, each with varying prices, facilities, and qualified practitioners.

Types of Liposuction

There are various types of liposuction. These are explained below. Suction-assisted liposuction A mixture of salt and water is used. This breaks the fat cells and removes the fats. You may also be given pain medicines. Power-assisted liposuction A thin tube is used that moves back and forth. The created vibration helps in the removal of fats quickly and easily. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction A metal rod is used. The rod releases certain energy under the skin. This opens up the fat cells and breaks the fats easily. Some may use sound energy and vibrations to break open the cells. Laser-assisted liposuction In laser liposuction, a laser fibre is used in the breakdown of fat deposits.

Who is at Risk?

    Liposuction is a safe procedure, but it has risks and concerns just like any other surgical procedure. The risks can be different depending on your health and the services provided by your clinic and doctor. Here is a list of the most common liposuction side effects. Bleeding Infections Swelling Bruising Altered sensations (temporary side effect) Asymmetry Seroma or fluid accumulation Skin abnormalities Allergies Pulmonary complexities Scars Thrombophlebitis Skin necrosis (a rare side effect) Risks related to anaesthesia

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Liposuction Procedures (Steps Involved)

    The following steps are involved in the liposuction procedure - The candidate needs to consult with a surgeon and have a thorough discussion. Pre-operative tests are done. This includes blood work, blood pressure, etc. Depending on the extent of the procedure, local or general anaesthesia is given. A small incision is made at the targeted area to suction out fat. A cannula is inserted (this step varies with the type of procedure). The cannula is removed, and the fat is suctioned out. The incision is closed using sutures. Patients are then monitored for some time after surgery. Follow-up appointments and medications are to be followed. The specific steps of the surgery vary with what type of liposuction is being performed, the candidate’s condition, and the surgeon’s preference.Nagpur clinics provide a range of facilities and services despite variations in process that may depend on patient condition and preferences.

How to Prepare for Liposuction?

    It's important to carefully adhere to the surgeon's instructions when getting ready for a liposuction procedure, such as quitting smoking, discontinuing certain medications, and fasting before the procedure. Other important aspects of being ready for liposuction include making transportation plans both before and after the procedure, as well as a suitable healing environment. Before making a final selection, one should have a complete understanding of the many alternatives and amenities that are available in Mumbai.

Areas that Can be Treated with Liposuction

    Liposuction can be used to treat the majority of body sections where there is fat that is resistant and won’t go away with exercise. Liposuction is most frequently used on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, arms, back, and chest (common in men with gynecomastia). The greatest candidates for the procedure are those who are nearing their optimal weight. Before the procedure, one can consult with many of the Nagpur's licensed plastic surgeons.

Recovery After Liposuction

    The recovery process of every patient will look different. Its duration depends on your health and how successful the surgery was. It’s normal to experience swelling, numbness, and bruising in the operated area after the surgery. These symptoms usually go away within six weeks, but for some, they can last longer. The hospitals in Nagpur will provide you with post-operative care, but make sure to discuss this beforehand.

Benefits of Liposuction Treatment

    There are several advantages of the liposuction operation. 1. It removes fat safely (belly fat removal) 2. It may reduce cellulite or improve the appearance of cellulite 3. It may enhance health due to fat loss 4. It may enhance self-esteem 5. It shapes the body parts that are resistant to exercise and diet

Eligibility Criteria for Liposuction

    You must fulfil the following criteria: Must be over the age of 18 Have an ongoing diet and exercise regimen Must have good general health

Success Rates of Liposuction

    Liposuction has a success rate of 72% to 90%. This depends on the multiple factors: Age of patient Type of Liposuction side effects Current medical health Experience of surgeon Reputation of the hospital

What to Ask a Surgeon?

    Before the surgery, the patient should have a detailed conversation about the surgery, including details like the nature and duration of the procedure, side effects, etc. Liposuction cost in India varies from place to place based on the individual's health, the facilities and services offered, the experience of the specialists, and Nagpur. Before making a choice, this should be extensively discussed with the doctor, and all available options should be considered.

Liposuction Surgery in Nagpur

    Liposuction surgery in Nagpur is readily available in India at affordable prices. Many highly qualified and experienced surgeons in various parts of India provide Liposuction procedures at competitive prices with the greatest outcomes.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Various benefits of liposuction are- Improved body contour Localised fat reduction Enhanced appearance Treatment of gynecomastia in men Minimally invasive procedure Quick liposuction before and after difference can be seen Quick recovery for some areas Skin tightening Improved body image Increased self-esteem

It is a type of liposuction involving the use of a vibrating cannula to break the fat cells and then suction it out. The technique causes less pain and swelling and is believed to reduce fat more accurately.

Immediately after surgery, the patient is monitored for a while till the anaesthesia wears off. The surgeon then may instruct the patient to wear compression garments to reduce swelling and help to recover. Drainage tubes may be placed initially to remove excess fluids, which are removed within a few days.