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Liposuction Surgery in

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Amitabh Bachchan


What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a procedure that removes fats from various body parts. These include the stomach, arms, neck, buttocks, hips and thighs. Liposuction surgery is, however, not the complete treatment for the weight loss method. Obese individuals can lose more weight with diet and exercise.

Types of Liposuction

The 6 major types of liposuction are- Suction-assisted liposuction It is also known as the tumescent liposuction and is the most common type of liposuction procedure performed. Power-assisted liposuction This type of liposuction involves the use of a vibrating cannula to break the fat cells and then suction it out. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction This type of liposuction involves the usage of ultrasound energy to liquefy fat, and then it is suctioned out. Laser-assisted Liposuction Laser liposuction involves the use of laser energy to liquefy the fat cells, which are later suctioned out. Radiofrequency-assisted liposuction This type of liposuction uses radio frequencies to break fat. This can also result in skin tightening. Water-assisted liposuction It is a gentle technique that uses a water jet to dislodge and remove fat cells. Several of these treatmen...
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Who is at Risk?

    The liposuction side effects include: Contour irregularities Fluid build-up Temporary or permanent numbness Skin infection Puncture of internal organs Entrapment of broken fats into the blood vessels Kidney and heart problems due to fluid shift after large-volume liposuction Lidocaine (pain injection given during surgery) toxicity

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Liposuction Procedures (Steps Involved)

    Your physician may use general or local anaesthesia. The choice depends on the type of liposuction and the amount of fat removal. Local anaesthesia makes only a specific body part numb. General anaesthesia will, however, make you unconscious. This enables surgery without any pain and discomfort. The surgical team will track all pertinent measurements. This includes blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, and oxygen saturation levels. An incision will be made according to the procedure type chosen. The process can take a few hours. The duration depends on the volume of fat removal. You may be kept in the recovery area until you awaken. You may need to spend a few hours in the clinic. This helps the doctor to monitor your recovery.

How to Prepare for Liposuction?

    One should follow the following basic steps while preparing for the liposuction- One should have a thorough discussion with the surgeon before undergoing liposuction surgery. This includes a discussion of - goals and expectations from surgery, liposuction benefits and risks, procedure and type of liposuction, medical history and, if any, current medications, etc. Maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated before surgery for a successful surgery and easy recovery. Maintaining a stable weight before surgery. Prepare a post-surgery setup for good recovery. Make sure to follow the fasting instructions provided by the doctors.

Areas that Can be Treated with Liposuction

    It is possible to remove fat from different body areas with liposuction. The abdomen (belly fat removal), flanks (removal of side fat), thighs, hips, buttocks, arms, neck and jawline, chest (male), knees, calves, and ankles are among the regions that are frequently treated with liposuction. It's crucial to keep in mind that liposuction is only intended for the localised removal of fat; it is not a procedure for weight loss. The greatest candidates for the procedure are those who are nearing their optimal weight. Before the procedure, one can consult with different plastic surgeons

Recovery After Liposuction

    The recovery process will be different for everyone. For an overall healthy person, the process will be fast. It can be slower for those with weaker health. You may experience mild swelling after the operation. You may also see some bruising. They should be mild. Take care of yourself after you return from the hospital. This will help you recover faster.

Benefits of Liposuction Treatment

    Liposuction can improve your life in many ways. Some of the benefits you may get from this process are- Losing fat from a specific body part (like belly fat removal) without losing your overall weight Losing extra fat without diet and exercise Getting rid of cellulite Feeling more confident about your body Getting over body-related insecurities Contouring certain parts of your body Improved health due to fat loss

Eligibility Criteria for Liposuction

    You can undergo a liposuction only if:· 1. You are over the age of 18 2. You have an ongoing diet and exercise regimen 3. You have good general health

Success Rates of Liposuction

    The success rate of this surgery is pretty good- close to 90%. It means that almost all of those who undergo this surgery achieve the results that they want. Keeping this in mind, make sure you carefully choose your surgeon and clinic out of all the options available in your Chennai.

What to Ask a Surgeon?

    You are entitled to ask the doctor any questions you may have regarding the procedure, its advantages, and your suitability for it. You can also ask about your life after surgery. Do not hesitate to clear all your doubts with your doctor before the surgery.

Liposuction Surgery in Kochi

    You can undergo liposuction surgery in Chennai at affordable prices. You can consult highly qualified and experienced surgeons in different parts of India to make sure that you get the best outcome from liposuction without breaking the bank.

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Lower Costs and easy financing support

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Frequently Asked Questions

Liposuction is a procedure that removes fat cells from a targeted location permanently, but if a person doesn’t lead a healthy lifestyle, fat deposition may still occur.

A tiny incision scar is left behind following liposuction, although the majority of the bruises and scars fade over time.

There might be dietary restrictions during the post-operative recovery phase, but once recovery is complete, there are no more limits and no need to adhere to a diet plan; nonetheless, maintaining a balanced diet is still necessary to suit one’s health needs.