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Varicose-Veins-Laser-Treatment Surgery in

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Amitabh Bachchan


What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins refer to enlarged, swollen veins that appear blue or dark purple. This condition can develop when the valves of veins get damaged and the blood starts to flow in the wrong direction or starts to pool. The varicose veins treatment depends largely on the stage of varicose veins. If there are no symptoms, no treatment might be necessary. Compression stockings and other home remedies can help to treat initial varicose veins symptoms, but in severe cases with pain and discomfort, mediations and surgery become necessary.Ghaziabad offers a variety of facilities to deal with both initial and later varicose veins stages

When Is a Varicose Veins Laser Treatment Required?

Varicose Veins Laser therapy is required usually in cases where veins become sore, or red and swollen (inflamed). It can also recommended in cases where skin above the varicose vein becomes irritated. Various Facilities of Ghaziabad provide varicose veins laser treatment for people who are suffering from the problem. One should always get a second opinion to be sure about one's decision to go for surgery. Ghaziabad Hospitals offer multiple experienced vascular surgeons to the patient with varicose veins.

Who is at Risk?

    Side effects associated with varicose vein laser treatment are- 1. Infection 2. Pain 3. Bleeding 4. Bruising 5. Nerve damage 6. Selling 7. Redness 8. Blood clots 9. Change in skin colour 10. Burns One can reduce the chances of such side effects by following the proper guidelines provided by the surgeon post-surgery. Ghaziabad Hospitals provide technologies and doctors with expertise in the procedure that can assure one of not having any side effects after the surgery.

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What Are the Symptoms of Varicose Veins?

    Varicose veins generally have no symptomatic effect on patients, but in some cases, patients may experience- 1. Pain in legs 2. Heaviness in legs 3. Injury in the affected area can cause longer bleeding than normal 4. Lipodermatosclerosis 5. Swollen ankles 6. Telangiectasia 7. Skin discoloration near the varicose veins 8. Venous eczema or stasis dermatitis 9. Leg cramps while standing up Ghaziabad hospitals offer vascular specialists that can help in figuring out if the patient needs surgery, and if yes, then finding an appropriate approach to the treatment.

Types of Varicose Veins

    Varicose veins can be classified based on their size, location, and severity. Some common types of varicose veins include trunk varicose veins, reticular varicose veins, and telangiectasia varicose veins, also known as spider veins. These varicose vein types have their specialised treatment at different costs at different Ghaziabad hospitals.

Steps Involved in Varicose Vein Removal

    Varicose vein surgery is performed when the pain is too much. It takes around an hour to complete the surgery. The most common type of varicose vein surgery used is the laser treatment. Numerous steps are involved in making the varicose vein surgical procedure successful. The steps include are as follows- 1. A pre-surgical medical check-up is conducted first, followed by changing the patient's clothes and making them wear protective goggles to save them from the laser. 2. Anaesthesia is administered in the area where laser treatment will be done. 3. Doctors use Doppler ultrasound to check the vein pre and post-procedure. 4. A small incision is made near the varicose vein, and a catheter is inserted. 5. Laser fibre is then inserted into the catheter, which will heat the vein, causing the vein to shrink and close. Ghaziabad Hospitals offer a diverse range of services at varying costs, providing options for patients with different preferences and budgets. There is something available for everyone at hospitals in Ghaziabad

Conventional Treatment Vs Laser Treatment

    With time, laser varicose pain therapy is gaining popularity over conventional surgery for its less pain and complications. It is also found to have a greater impact on individuals' lives than conventional surgery. Ghaziabad Hospitals offer both conventional and laser surgeries for the patients of varicose veins. There are several differences between the conventional method and laser treatment like- 1. Laser varicose vein therapy has the fastest recovery with no cuts, stitches, or scars, whereas conventional therapy is an open surgery with multiple cuts and wounds. 2. Laser therapy is a comparatively less painful procedure than conventional surgery. 3. There is no blood surgery in laser treatments, whereas conventional methods can lead to high blood loss. 4. Conventional methods were found to have higher infection chances and there was a high possibility of recurrence whereas laser varicose vein surgery led to almost zero chances of infection and less recurrence rate. 5. Laser surgery is an outpatient procedure, and the patient gets discharged on the same day, whereas conventional varicose vein recovery time can be longer and may take about a minimum of three days of hospital stay. 6. Laser surgery does not require a repeated doctor visit after surgery, whereas conventional surgery requires follow-up checkups after the surgery.

Can Varicose Veins Permanently Go Away After the Laser Treatment?

    Getting permanent results after the laser treatment of varicose veins largely depends upon the condition of the individual, post and pre-operative precautions, and the surgery’s success. In cases with less to moderate-severe conditions, like spider veins, patients may see results only after one laser treatment. In some cases, there may be a change in colour along the treated vein. This usually fades out in 2 to 4 weeks after the treatment, and the patient can see results. In more severe cases, a person may need to undergo multiple sessions for the veins to permanently disappear. This also depends upon the technology used. Ghaziabad facilities offer the latest available technologies and surgeons with expertise to use them for the treatment of varicose veins.

Post-operative Care After Varicose Veins Treatment

    After an hour-long session of laser treatment for the varicose veins, there is no requirement for rest, and the patient is advised to walk. Heavy activities like exercising, especially weight lifting, are restricted for a duration as suggested by the doctors. Patients may be required to take a few antibiotics and pain management medication for some time. It is highly recommended to wear compression stockings daily after the surgery for the entire day for about a month or for the time suggested by the doctor. Ghaziabad facilities offer detailed guidelines and services, including emergency calls for patients during varicose vein surgery recovery time.

How to Find the Best Vascular Surgeon in Your City?

    Ghaziabad has skilled and experienced vascular surgeons with high success rates. To find the best vascular surgeon, firstly, see the reviews and ratings for the doctor as well as the hospital where the surgeon is working. Secondly, it is advised to seek referrals and recommendations from family and friends. Thirdly, consider the year of experience the surgeon holds in the surgery for varicose veins.

What Is the Success Rate of Varicose Veins Laser Treatment in Ghaziabad?

    Varicose vein treatment is a less invasive procedure and is considered to be very safe. With advanced technology and experienced doctors, laser treatment for varicose veins in Ghaziabad has a very high success rate. The Ghaziabad facilities offer a wide range of facilities having a variety of costs, facilities, services, and expertise to offer to different patients having different priorities and conditions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Swollen, twisted, or bulging veins typically in the legs or feet in the initial varicose vein stages. Aching and discomfort in the legs Muscle cramps in the legs, especially during the night Discolored skin around varicose veins The feeling of fatigue or weakness in the legs.

Veins that are superficial and close to the skin, which later enlarge and bulge, are known as Varicose veins.