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Liposuction Surgery in

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Amitabh Bachchan


What is Liposuction?

Liposuction meaning: It is a procedure to remove fats from specific areas. It helps remove fat from different body parts, from the neck to the thigh. This procedure is usually done for aesthetic purposes when diet and exercise do not help with targeting certain body parts. This procedure is not the best way to lose weight. Eating well and leading a healthy lifestyle can help obese people shed more weight and promote overall well-being. However, procedures like liposuction can help you achieve your specific body goals and make targetted fat reduction possible.

Types of Liposuction

The types of Liposuction surgery are as follows: Suction-assisted liposuction A mixture of salt and water is used. This helps in the removal of fats. You will also be given medicine to reduce pain. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction A metal rod is inserted below the skin. It generates energy that helps break down fats. Sound energy and vibrations may also be used. Laser-assisted liposuction A laser fibre is inserted through a small cut. Laser liposuction enables the breakdown of fat deposits. Power-assisted liposuction A thin tube is inserted that moves back and forth. The created vibration helps in the removal of fats quickly and easily.

Who is at Risk?

    Liposuction side effects include: Contour irregularities Fluid build-up Temporary or permanent numbness Skin infection Puncture of internal organs Entrapment of broken fats into the blood vessels Kidney and heart problems due to fluid shift after large-volume liposuction Lidocaine (pain injection given during surgery) toxicity

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Liposuction Procedures (Steps Involved)

    Your physician may use general or local anaesthesia. The choice depends on the type of liposuction and the amount of fat removal. Local anaesthesia makes only a specific body part numb. General anaesthesia will, however, make you unconscious. This enables surgery without any pain and discomfort. The surgical team will track all pertinent measurements. This includes blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, and oxygen saturation levels. An incision will be made according to the procedure type chosen. The process can take a few hours. The duration depends on the volume of fat removal. You may be kept in the recovery area until you awaken. You may need to spend a few hours in the clinic. This helps the doctor to monitor your recovery.

How to Prepare for Liposuction?

    Discuss with your surgeon about your expectations from the surgery. Highlight your medical history. Talk about any on going treatment. You might be instructed to cease using specific drugs a week before the surgery. NSAIDs and blood thinners are a couple of them. Some laboratory tests will also be ordered. The procedure can be completed in a clinic. This is when the surgery involves the removal of a small amount of fat. A speciality hospital may be needed for larger volumes.

Areas that Can be Treated with Liposuction

    Liposuction is done to remove fats from areas resistant to diet and exercise: Chin and neck Abdomen Upper arms Chest and back Buttocks Hips and thighs Calves and ankles

Recovery After Liposuction

    Recovery after the Liposuction surgery might not be the same for all the patients. It can vary with age, general health conditions, type of surgical procedure used, etc. Depending on their fees and available facilities, certain colleges in Ahmedabad could offer immediate post-operative care. During the recovery process, there are several aspects that one should remember. During the initial recovery, only light activities should be resumed. Swelling and bruising are common liposuction side effects after the liposuction surgery, and returning to normal activities may take a couple of weeks of recovery. It is recommended to follow the post-operative instructions provided by the surgeon to ensure a smooth recovery process.

Benefits of Liposuction Treatment

    Liposuction operation gives a lot of benefits: It removes fat safely (belly fat removal) It may reduce cellulite or improve the appearance of cellulite It may enhance health due to fat loss It may enhance self-esteem It shapes the areas resistant to exercise and diet

Eligibility Criteria for Liposuction

    You must fulfil the following criteria: Must be over the age of 18 Have an ongoing diet and exercise regimen Must have good general health

Success Rates of Liposuction

    The success rate of liposuction is 72% to 90%. This depends on multiple factors: Type of liposuction surgery Age of patient Medical history of the patient Current medical health Experience of surgeon Reputation of the hospital

What to Ask a Surgeon?

    You are entitled to ask the doctor any questions you may have regarding the procedure, its advantages, and your suitability for it. You can also ask about your life after surgery. Do not hesitate to clear all your doubts with your doctor before the surgery.

Liposuction Surgery in Ahmedabad

    One of the best hospitals and surgeons in Ahmedabad can assist you in having the procedure done successfully. Surgeons and medical personnel are trained to perform minimally invasive surgery. Ahmedabad's medical professionals are skilled in handling complicated cases and have successfully performed surgery on numerous patients. Modern equipment and technology are available in Ahmedabad, which makes it easier to perform surgery precisely and safely. You can schedule an appointment with a top liposuction specialist in a top hospital if you want to stay in Ahmedabad.

Why MediBuddy Surgery Care?

Enhanced Quality of Care

Constant support, a network of premium hospitals and top-tier surgeons.

End-to-End Management

Your only focus should be to go and get your procedure done. Leave the rest to us.

Continuous Guidance

Fingertip-access to all the information you will need. Any problem you may face—resolved with one phone call.

Lower Costs and easy financing support

HealthCare can be expensive. We bring you the best deals, EMI options and pricing models without compromising on quality.

Frequently Asked Questions

There will be no pain or discomfort because of anaesthesia. Mild to moderate pain may occur after the anaesthesia wears off. Both swelling and bruises can be seen.

You can put on weight even after surgery. You might think about having another liposuction treatment. Exercise and a tight diet can be beneficial. There are further non-surgical options for reducing body fat.

The process is very safe when done by experts. If you are planning to get this procedure done, make sure you do thorough research on the facilities at your hospitals and the expertise and reliability of the doctor. This will help you avoid any confusion and you can be sure if this procedure is right for you or not.