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Lipoma Surgery in

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Amitabh Bachchan


Lipoma: What Is It?

Lipoma is a common benign (non-cancerous) fatty tissue growth that develops beneath the skin. It appears as a soft, painless lump easily movable with slight pressure. Anywhere on the body might develop lipomas, but the lipoma neck, lipoma on back, shoulders and belly are where they are most usually encountered.

Causes and Symptoms of Lipoma

The exact cause of lipoma remains unknown, but they are thought to have a genetic component. Lipomas are usually painless and do not cause any symptoms, but their presence may lead to discomfort if they press on nerves or muscles.

Who is at Risk?

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Types of Lipoma

    A Lipoma can be classified into various types based on location and characteristics. These include: Superficial Subcutaneous Lipoma: The most common type found just beneath the skin surface. Deep Subcutaneous Lipoma: Located deeper beneath the skin and may require specialized imaging for diagnosis. Intramuscular Lipoma: Develops within the muscles and can be more challenging to remove. Multiple Lipomatosis: A rare condition where multiple lipomas form across the body.

Risks and Benefits of Lipoma Removal

    Lipomas are generally benign and harmless, so their removal is often considered an elective procedure. The decision on lipoma removal depends on factors such as size, location, cosmetic concerns, and interference with daily activities. The benefits of lipoma removal include improved appearance, reduced discomfort, and peace of mind, knowing the lump is not cancerous.

Where is Lipoma Treatment Available in <city>?

    Lipomas typically don't need to be treated unless they are painful or negatively impact a person's quality of life. However, several therapeutic methods are available if removal is desired or required. Lipoma Removal Surgery: Surgical excision is a standard technique for removing lipomas. The procedure involves incision and removing the lipoma and surrounding fatty tissue. It is an outpatient procedure performed under local anaesthesia. Lipoma Removal Cream and Lipoma Removal Spray: Some over-the-counter lipoma eradication creams and lipoma removal spray assert that they can shrink or remove the lipoma. However, they are not regarded as a main therapeutic choice because the evidence for their efficacy is weak.

When and How to Opt for Lipoma Surgery in <city>?

    There are a few non-surgical alternatives available for those who like them or who are not good candidates for surgery: Steroid Injections: By injecting steroids into the lipoma, you may be able to shrink it and reduce inflammation. Liposuction: Through a tiny incision, liposuction can be done to remove minor lipomas.

How Long Is the Recovery Time After Lipoma Surgery?

    The recovery time after lipoma removal surgery is typically short. Patients can go back to their daily routines after a few days, but it's crucial to adhere to the surgeon's post-operative care instructions to reduce potential consequences.


    Lipomas are benign growths that can be bothersome for some individuals due to cosmetic concerns or discomfort. While surgery is a common treatment option, non-surgical approaches are also available. In Vellore, patients have access to experienced doctors, surgeons and specialised clinics, making lipoma treatment a relatively straightforward process with a quick recovery time.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Lipoma removal surgery is done under local anaesthesia, which numbs the area, ensuring minimal discomfort during the procedure. After surgery, mild soreness may be experienced, but painkillers are usually prescribed to manage any post-operative pain.

Although there is little likelihood of recurrence, a new lipoma could appear in the same location or somewhere else on the body.

Yes, several non-surgical options exist, like lipoma removal cream and lipoma removal spray for lipoma elimination. However, their efficacy varies and might not be appropriate for all lipomas.

Lipomas are benign growths that do not pose a serious threat to health. However, you should seek immediate medical attention if you observe any changes in the lipoma's appearance or have strange symptoms.

Insurance coverage for lipoma removal may vary depending on several factors, including the insurance policy and medical necessity. It is advised that you contact your insurance company before having the operation.