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Lasik Surgery in

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Amitabh Bachchan



Laser-assisted In-situ Keratomileusis or popularly known as LASIK is a laser refractive surgery to correct problems associated with vision. It is also a surgery done to remove glasses and contact lenses. In this surgery, a special type of laser is utilised to alter the shape of the tissue layer in front of your eyes, called the cornea, to improve vision. LASIK is also called a flap-based procedure because the surgery involves the creation of a flap in the superficial area above the cornea. The flap is lifted, and the below residual bed is corrected with laser, as mentioned above. Once the correction is done, the flap is positioned back in its place.

Causes and Symptoms of Vision Problems

Nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism are the most prevalent visual issues that cause people to think about having LASIK surgery. Farsighted people have problems focusing on adjacent items, whereas nearsighted people need help seeing far objects well. Astigmatism causes blurry vision due to an irregularly shaped cornea.

Who is at Risk?

    Like any surgical procedure, LASIK carries certain risks. Possible complications include dry eyes, visual disturbances, corneal flap complications, and overcorrection or under-correction of vision. However, most patients experience significant improvements in their vision and enjoy a reduced dependence on corrective eyewear.

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Types of LASIK Procedures

    Different types of LASIK treatments are available, tailored to suit individual needs. These include: - Traditional LASIK: In this procedure, a thin flap is made on the cornea using a microkeratome or a femtosecond laser. It is the most popular type of LASIK surgery. The flap is then moved, and the cornea is reshaped using an excimer laser. - Wavefront-Optimized LASIK: This advanced technology combines traditional LASIK with wavefront technology, which creates a detailed map of the eye's unique characteristics. This customization allows for more precise corrections, leading to improved visual outcomes. - Bladeless or All-Laser LASIK: Flap creation and corneal reshaping are performed using a femtosecond laser. It offers enhanced safety and accuracy compared to traditional LASIK.

Recovery Time after LASIK Surgery

    After LASIK surgery, there is a quick recovery. You can see through your eyes the same day or the next day. However, you will be given some medications and eye drops. Complete recovery in terms of all medications may take 3 to 6 months. It is normal to have blurred vision immediately after the surgery, which may normalise with time.

LASIK Treatment in Tirunelveli

    When considering LASIK treatment in Tirunelveli, choosing the best LASIK hospital in the Tirunelveli with experienced surgeons and an advanced facility is crucial. Some renowned hospitals, clinics, and eye care centers offer the best LASIK eye surgery in Tirunelveli.

When and How to Undergo LASIK Surgery in Tirunelveli

    If you are experiencing any of these vision problems; - near-sightedness (myopia) - farsightedness (hyperopia) - astigmatism It is advisable to consult with an ophthalmologist in Tirunelveli, known for providing top-notch LASIK treatment. They will assess your case and recommend the most suitable treatment option for you. In many cases, LASIK eye surgery is considered the most effective correction therapy. It offers the possibility of clear vision without relying on glasses or contact lenses. While considering LASIK eye surgery in Tirunelveli, it is important to be aware of the cost associated with the procedure. You can inquire about the lasik eye surgery cost at the best LASIK hospitals in Tirunelveli. These hospitals are known for their expertise in performing LASIK surgery and delivering excellent outcomes. By choosing the best LASIK eye surgery hospital in Tirunelveli, you can have confidence in the quality of care provided and the expertise of the medical professionals. Take the first step towards achieving clear vision without visual aids by booking an appointment with the best LASIK hospital in Tirunelveli. They will guide you through the process and help you determine the most suitable treatment plan for your specific needs.

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Lower Costs and easy financing support

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, LASIK surgery can correct astigmatism along with other vision problems. There are many LASIK eye surgery hospitals in Tirunelveli that can help you.

The procedure itself is painless, as numbing eye drops are used. Some patients may experience mild discomfort or dryness in the eyes temporarily.

In most cases, the results of LASIK are permanent. However, age-related vision changes may occur in the future.

The actual surgical procedure typically takes around 15 minutes for both eyes.