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ACL/PCL-Injuries Surgery in
Theni Allinagaram

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Amitabh Bachchan


What is ACL/PCL injury?

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries happen when the knee ligament that aids in stabilising and controlling movement is harmed, frequently due to abrupt stops, twists, or collisions. Sports involving sudden direction changes or pivoting are prone to this type of injury. The ligament at the back of the knee, known as the posterior cruciate ligament, is injured when something falls on a bent knee or strikes the front of the knee directly. Injuries to the ACL or PCL can cause knee pain, swelling, and instability. Physical therapy, braces, or, in extreme situations, surgical reconstruction of the injured ligament to restore knee stability and function are possible treatment options, and Theni Allinagaram is an excellent option for individuals in need.

ACL Injury: Causes

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are frequently brought on by impacts or abrupt, strong movements that strain the knee joint. Awkward landings from jumps, sudden stops or direction changes, and direct hits to the knee, especially in sports like basketball, skiing, and soccer, are common causes. Improper landing mechanics, improper pivoting, or insufficient muscle strength in the knee area can cause ACL injuries. Hormonal and biomechanical factors may also make female athletes more vulnerable. An increased susceptibility can result from pre-existing conditions like ligament laxity. The range of medical conditions amenable to ACL injury may vary, influenced by the surgical team's expertise and the healthcare infrastructure available

Who is at Risk?

    ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injuries are relatively common, and several factors can increase the likelihood of experiencing this type of knee injury. Women have a higher risk, being 2-8 times more susceptible to ACL injuries than men. This difference in risk might be due to various factors such as differences in muscle strength, the way muscles activate during movements, and hormonal influences. Participation in certain sports can also heighten the risk of ACL injuries. Sports involving quick changes in direction, sudden stops, and jumping movements like soccer, basketball, and volleyball put individuals at an increased risk due to the demanding movements involved in these activities.

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Symptoms of ACL injury

    Following are the signs and symptoms of ACL injury: 1. Sudden sensation or sound of popping in the knee 2. Severe pain 3. Sudden swelling 4. Limited movement 5. Feeling of giving way or instability when bearing weight Most patients with ACL injuries can experience excruciating pain. However, some patients only experience mild discomfort. See your doctor if you think you might have hurt your knee. Do not disregard your condition, particularly if you experience or hear a popping sound.

Types of ACL injuries

    Depending on their severity and degree of ligament damage, ACL injuries usually fall into one of several categories: 1. Sprains: Mild ACL injuries cause the ligament to stretch or partially tear without completely rupturing. They frequently cause localised oedema and pain. 2. Some Tears: The ACL is harmed but not torn in partial tears. The degree to which this kind of impacts stability and function varies.

When to See the Doctor?

    You must see your doctor if you experience any of the above-mentioned ACL injury symptoms. Your condition may need your doctor’s attention, especially if you experience pain. Early diagnosis is critical to initiate early treatment. Do not delay an appointment with your doctor if you suspect an injury.

Diagnosis and Tests for ACL injury

    A clinical examination that evaluates knee stability, range of motion, and swelling is required to diagnose an ACL injury. Orthopaedic specialists can order an MRI to obtain fine-grained ligament imaging. Bone fractures could be ruled out with X-rays. A thorough diagnosis is probable when imaging is paired with clinical evaluation. Finding the best course of action, whether it entails non-surgical methods like physical therapy or surgical procedures like ACL reconstruction surgery, requires speaking with a healthcare professional for a timely and precise diagnosis.

Treatment for ACL Injury

    1. Physical therapy: A customised physical therapy program is frequently the first step in non-surgical treatment to strengthen the knee's surrounding muscles and increase stability. 2. Bracing and Activity Modification: Depending on the severity, people might be told to wear a brace for extra support. Changing activities can help them heal. 3. Pain Management: Medications may be prescribed to control pain and minimise inflammation during the healing process. 4. Surgical Intervention (ACL Reconstruction): To restore ligament stability through graft replacement, surgical intervention such as ACL reconstruction may be advised in more severe cases or for individuals with particular needs. 5. Follow-up and Rehabilitation: For the best possible recovery and long-term joint health, consistent follow-up appointments and rigorous rehabilitation—which includes exercises and activities supervised by medical professionals—are crucial. From routine to specialised treatments, the ACL surgery cost in Theni Allinagaram varies between government and private hospitals, correlating with the extent of services and facilities they furnish.

Prevention of ACL injury

    Athletes cannot avoid the situation of an ACL injury. ACL tears are typically caused by unexpected accidents and injuries related to sports. While you indulge in physical activities or sports: 1. Ensure that you are wearing the right gear 2. Do not play over your pain if you have hurt your knees during or after physical activity 3. Allow your body some time to rest and recover after a strenuous activity 4. Relax, stretch and warm up prior to engaging in exercise or sports 5. Stretch and cool down after working out Take the help of programmes to strengthen your knees and lower body during the off-season. This will help your knees withstand the strain during your sports season. You must comply with the following safety advice in order to reduce your risk of suffering an ACL injury. Avoid planting the foot and pivoting over the knee. This is the most frequent reason why athletes sustain meniscus and ACL injuries. 1. Check your home or workspace to make sure nothing could trip you. 2. Make sure you always use the proper tools or equipment when reaching for items around the house. 3. Avoid standing on tables, chairs, or countertops. 4. Use a walker or cane if you have difficulty walking or are at risk of falling.

Post-surgery Procedure

    Take all the necessary care after your ACL tear surgery. The ACL injury recovery time after the injury is around 6 to 9 months. Some athletes may take longer to get back to normal and resume their sport. Follow your doctor's instructions. Perform exercises as suggested by your doctor. These exercises will bring your mobility back to normal. It will also prevent the formation of blood clots. In most cases, patients are expected to lift their legs without any assistance. Physical therapy usually starts seven to 14 days after the surgery. During the ACL surgery recovery time, take your pain medicines as recommended by your doctor. Monitor your body temperature. Inform your doctor if you have a persistent fever that does not subside. Do not hesitate to inform your doctor if you face any problems after the surgery.

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Frequently Asked Questions

See your doctor as soon as you have a knee injury. Do not ignore any of the above-mentioned signs and symptoms. If you have suffered from a car accident or trauma, go to the emergency room. Some accidents and traumas can affect other parts as well.

Some people can walk normally after an ACL injury. You must not walk over your injury even if you do not feel the pain. You must learn to identify ACL injury, especially if you are an athlete. See your doctor if you suspect an ACL injury.

It is very rare that you will injure the same ACL. Less than 10% of individuals injure the same ACL. Talk to your doctor about what you should expect after an injury and its surgery.

The ACL surgery cost varies in every city. The cost depends on the hospital, the surgeon involved and the severity of the injury.

It is not the end of a career in most cases. Take the right ACL injury treatment, and do not rush to recovery. Many athletes have returned to their passion after an ACL injury. Rehabilitation is a very important aspect after surgery. It will help in bringing back knee strength and flexibility. Ask your doctor the right time to resume your sport and start your practice.