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Lipoma Surgery in

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Amitabh Bachchan


Lipoma: What Is It?

A common medical ailment called lipoma is the development of soft and rubbery fatty tissue lumps under the skin. They frequently develop on the neck, back, arms, or thighs, are normally painless, and expand slowly.

Causes and Symptoms of Lipoma

Although the precise reason for lipomas is unknown, an excess of fat cells in the body is frequently their source. Although they can happen to people of any age, folks between the ages of 40 and 60 are more likely to experience them. Hormonal imbalances and a propensity to genetics are two possible causes of lipoma production. Symptoms of lipomas typically include: Painless, round or oval-shaped lumps under the skin. To the touch, it is supple and mobile. The lump grows in size.

Who is at Risk?

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Types of Lipoma

    There are several variants of lipomas based on their location and characteristics. The most common types include: Subcutaneous Lipoma: These are the most typical lipomas beneath the skin. Spinal Epidural Lipoma: Found in the spinal cord area, these lipomas can cause compression of nerves and may require surgical intervention. Angiolipoma: Composed of fat and blood vessels, these lipomas are often tender to touch. Intramuscular Lipoma: Embedded within muscle tissue, these lipomas may be more challenging to remove.

Risks and Benefits of Lipoma Removal

    Lipomas are usually harmless, and most people may choose lipoma treatment without surgery if they are not causing any discomfort. The main benefit of treatment lies in removing symptomatic or cosmetically troubling lipoma, which can relieve pain and improve overall appearance. Some of the common risk factors include family history, age, and certain rare inherited disorders.

Where is Lipoma Treatment Available in <city>?

    The most common treatment used to treat Lipoma is Lipoma surgery. The surgery includes making an incision over the Lipoma, then removing the fatty tissue and closing the incision. Contact the top medical experts at top hospitals in Chandigarh to get a proper idea about the procedure involved in Lipoma surgery.

When and How to Opt for Lipoma Surgery in <city>?

    Surgery time: The time of a lipoma surgery is determined by the patient's choices, the lipoma's size, and the doctor's evaluation. Most of the time, the surgery may be scheduled at an agreeable time for both parties, and it is frequently done as an outpatient treatment, allowing the patient to go home the same day. Selecting a clinic, hospital, or physician: If you're considering having lipoma surgery in Chandigarh, it's important to pick a reputed hospital, skilled doctor, or specialised facility. Choose specialists with a history of effective lipoma removal procedures and happy patient outcomes. Before surgery, always review any worries or questions with the doctor.

How Long Is the Recovery Time After Lipoma Surgery?

    The recovery period after lipoma surgery is usually brief. Patients can anticipate some pain, bruising, and swelling near the incision site, but these side effects usually go away in a few days. During the healing process, the patient can be recommended to refrain from physically demanding activities and maintain a clean, dry incision area. Most patients can get on with their normal daily activities within a week.


    Lipomas are benign growths that can be bothersome for some individuals due to cosmetic concerns or discomfort. While surgery is a common treatment option, non-surgical approaches are also available. In Chandigarh, patients have access to experienced doctors, surgeons and specialised clinics, making lipoma treatment a relatively straightforward process with a quick recovery time.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Lipoma removal surgery is done under local anaesthesia, which numbs the area, ensuring minimal discomfort during the procedure. After surgery, mild soreness may be experienced, but painkillers are usually prescribed to manage any post-operative pain.

Although there is little likelihood of recurrence, a new lipoma could appear in the same location or somewhere else on the body.

Yes, several non-surgical options exist, like lipoma removal cream and lipoma removal spray for lipoma elimination. However, their efficacy varies and might not be appropriate for all lipomas.

Lipomas are benign growths that do not pose a serious threat to health. However, you should seek immediate medical attention if you observe any changes in the lipoma's appearance or have strange symptoms.

Insurance coverage for lipoma removal may vary depending on several factors, including the insurance policy and medical necessity. It is advised that you contact your insurance company before having the operation.